- Must be a Microsoft Word 97-2003 document.
- Must include ACCURATE contents page.
- Must include page numbers at bottom of page.
- Make sure there is no line spacing. Normal causes format problems.
- Each new poem starts on a new page. When the poem ends, press Shift + Enter to start a new page automatically. (POETRY)
- Each new chapter starts on a new page. When the chapter ends, press Shift + Enter to start a new page automatically. (NOVELS & OTHER PROSE)
- When you get a poem which is over one page long, try to get as close to the bottom of the page as possible before moving onto the next. However I do not want incomplete stanza's ending pages as it seems untidy. If this is about to occur, Shift + Enter to start new page and continue on there. (POETRY)
- Make sure body text font is Times New Roman and size 11.
- Title text font should be Times New Roman and either size 11 or 12.
- Make sure page size is A5.
That's about it for the new format rules. Sorry to appear a stickler, but for the best possible print results this is the best format.
Please adhere to these guidelines. For efficiency, manuscripts that do not adhere to this and differ greatly will not get printed until they are amended.